
website localization agency

Why check for the technical expertise of your website localization agency

Localization has become evident for the business for smooth sailing overseas. Targeting a diverse audience that comes from different backgrounds is not easy and they have certain demands and expectations that they expect their ideal businesses to meet for a good and cordial business relationship. Now that businesses and companies cannot strive without localizing their businesses, they have to look for the most suitable website localization agency that can transform their website with a whole new look and feel that can resonate with the needs of the target audiences right away. Localizing a website is an extensive process that cannot be carried out by an experienced team. It rather demands professionals with proven experience to take care of so that they can face the challenges and cope with them professionally.

You need to be aware of certain facts and the process of website localization and how it works before you trust a translation and localisation vendor fully. It is important that you have the final control over the process and for that, you need to have the particular information and how the process executes. Before that make sure you conduct proper research to finalize a good and professional translation vendor as they can help to maximize your business making it look good and reliable to an audience who didn’t know you as a business exist. Reaching more customers demands a proper website localization process. This also paves the way for safe translation mitigating the risk of misunderstandings.

Most importantly, you should look out for the technical expertise of your selected localization provider so that you can expect a good and effective localization end product. This goes beyond the mechanical swapping of words and the technical insight helps with the smooth localization of the content.

Understanding File Formats

Primarily, it is imperative that you sit with your translation vendor and exchange your ideas about the file formats. This way you can evaluate your translation vendor about their proven experience in the field as well. 

Text formats

The localization specialists should have a good knowledge of the text formats. They should have better clarity about the text formats including HTML, XML, and the software code that is being used in the website translation. The website localization agency is supposed to have a team that has good information about all these. The text format can vary with the nature of the project. Many other projects also demand content management systems and other specific document formats as part of the process. So the knowledge of the relevant formats can add great value.

Graphics and multimedia

A major part of website localization revolves around graphics and multimedia elements. The localization of multimedia content can be tricky and testing. It demands a great deal of cultural knowledge of targeted audiences. The practices can further include text overlaps, subtitles, and the re-recording of the audio narrations. All these formats are technical to a greater extent. Therefore, the translation of these segments needs additional consideration. As there are more than simple concepts and every format has a technicality involved. 

Technical Tools and Leverage

Once you understand the process and file formats you have to deal with while localizing the website, familiarity with the technical tools and leverages is next.

Translation memory tools

While localizing the website make sure that you take assistance from the best localization services provider. They are going to help you have most of the technical tools during the localization process. Translation memory is one of these. This is an amazing tool that empowers you to store previously translated text enabling consistency and efficiency. Moreover, it is particularly good for repeated phrases and technical terminology. This contributes to greater consistency. 

CAT tools 

The next tool that can play a vital role in smooth website localization is CAT tools. The computer-assisted translation can do wonders if used smartly. The features such as terminology management, editing, and quality assurance tools with the streamlining of the translation process can be a really hectic job. However, these tools make it easy and also help with consistency and precision. In addition, you need to ensure you only rely on the best localization services provider.

Machine translation engines

Machine translation engines have also come a long way and evolved for the better. These can not be claimed to be the best alternative to human translation however, these also play important roles. You can use these engines for the first draft and they can also scan reactive content on the first attempt whereas the human eye often lacks that accuracy for such practices. However, technical expertise is required to leverage MT post-edit results for accuracy along with the support of a competent website localization company. 

Localization management systems

Last but not least the localization management system helps maintain the whole localization workflow with the file uploads, taking care of translator roles and their workload as well as version control. They have been greatly beneficial for large projects and with multiple languages and file types. 


Website localization can be tricky and challenging. It is important to carry out the process slowly and smoothly. Absorbing the information of every step and moving forward can help with better collaboration. It is a technical process and demands great technical expertise. Make sure that you and your finalized localization partners understand the file formats and are familiar with technical tools and their use to make the most of them.